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Rescue Air and Plumbing

Better training makes for better business at Rescue Air and Rescue Plumbing

Rescue Air and Plumbing
Home Services
20% week over week growth

The Challenges

“We needed techs on non-member calls to explain the benefits of the membership program,” said Jeffrey Page, Service Manager HVAC. “But there aren’t enough hours in the day to ride with every technician on every call.” Especially when they average 30-40 calls a day. But with Rilla, they could.

Rilla to the Rescue

According to Kimberly Ray, General Manager HVAC, using Rilla showed that the techs were not mentioning family memberships on 60% of their calls. “In Rilla, you can key in and find out if techs used the words ‘membership’ or ‘family plans’ during the course of their call,” Jeffrey explained.

After reviewing calls, Jeffrey discussed efforts with the team and the numbers improved. “Having a product like Rilla is basically a tool for us to be able to coach when we can’t be there,” Kimberly said.  

Owner Josh Campbell agreed. “It became a personal growth journey for the techs,” he said. "They run a call, review the data, and they can see what they were getting wrong.”

The Results

With Rilla, Rescue Air and Rescue Plumbing saw a 10 to 20 percent improvement week over week from each tech, especially in the first four to six weeks. “When they use the product more, they see that it helps them get better, then it just steamrolls,” said Josh.

Randy Carpenter, Master Plumber, also appreciated the benefits of Rilla. “It gives you a third set of eyes in the conversation so you can address any issues and overcome objections,” he said.  "Customers are happy, we get good reviews, and word of mouth goes from there.”

According to Josh, the company acquired a plumbing company that was doing $1 million in revenue. Last year, with Rilla, the number jumped to $2 million. This year, the company is pacing for $6 million.

“My plumbing department is crushing it,” said Josh. “If you have anyone who’s selling and they’re out in the field and want to do self-assessments, we owe it to them to give them the tools that allow them to do it. That’s one of the biggest wins for what Rilla does.”
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Save Time. Coach Better. Win More.