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Re-Bath trains new hires to $1,000,000 in 8 months with Rilla

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Rilla enables reps to close $1M+ in sales within the first 8 months

Re-Bath, LLC is the nation's largest bathroom remodeling business. With dozens of new franchises opening every year, its Southwest division is growing at breakneck pace. But incredible growth comes with growing pains, and Re-Bath SW needed a new training approach that could scale alongside them.

The challenges

Physical ridealongs fall apart when operating at the scale of Re-Bath SW. The sheer size and scope of their sales area meant supervisors spent more time waiting than coaching.

"We were doing maybe three or four ride-alongs a week," said Mario Resendez, Regional Sales Manager for Re-Bath SW.  "Of those, maybe two or three would be full demos where I could see the whole process and reach the coaching stage."

"That entire process took anywhere from four to five hours," added Austin Walling, Chief Revenue Officer for Re-Bath SW. "It was a lot on top of all the additional administrative tasks."

This physical ridealong process became increasingly bottlenecked, and the personalized training of newer agents became less feasible.

"When I first started, I was only getting one or two ridealongs per month," said Cole Reynolds, Design Consultant at Re-Bath SW. "That's not enough. If you don't know what you're doing wrong, then how can you get better?"

Re-Bath SW wanted a way to listen in on every appointment—without wasting time.

The Rilla effect

Re-Bath SW discovered Rilla at the Qualified Remodeler Top 500 event. After a real-time demonstration of the program's capabilities, the company decided to onboard their reps.

"It's a fantastic product," Austin explained. "Demonstrating it for me with an actual recording of our conversation made things really click."

Sales managers wanted to learn what the best reps were doing and share that knowledge with other consultants. After adopting Rilla, Re-Bath SW expanded the capacity of their supervisors, allowing them to coach more consultants in less time. 

The results

Mario now listens to at least one or two sales visits per day, serving all 11 team members with personalized feedback—a far cry from the one or two ridealongs per agent per month, which required hundreds of hours of work per year. 

"With Rilla just the other day, I was able to focus on six different appointments in about 45 minutes and coach each agent on very specific skills," Mario said. "This means I can help design consultants get better, faster, which ultimately changes their lives."

Since implementing Rilla, Re-Bath SW has experienced an increase in close rates because they’re able to support their team better. Rilla has allowed Re-Bath SW to improve the quality of feedback, helping agents embody the right messaging, develop customer relationships, and become successful faster.

"One particular individual was able to sell over $1 million in sales in about eight months. In the past, this took design consultants a year, and even then, some didn't hit the mark. But this rep got there pretty quickly, thanks to Rilla," Mario said.

Rilla has also impacted Re-Bath SW’s design consultant team, where real-time insights enable more meaningful conversations, training sessions, and camaraderie.

“I can go to my sales manager and say, 'Hey, listen to this Rilla, I feel like I did this really well,’ or ‘I need some help here,’” Cole shared. “It opened the door for communication.”

Re-Bath SW had success with Rilla from the start and they remain excited and optimistic about the capabilities.

"Do you want higher ticket averages? Do you want a higher close rate? Do you want all those things? Then Rilla's your best option," Cole said.

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